HT Child Control 8.4.7 برنامج الرقابه الابويه والتحكم بالجهاز
برنامج الرقابه الابويه والتحكم فى الجهاز ، بمكنك من منع مواقع معينه كمواقع الالعاب مثلا او مواقع التواصل الاجتماعى او يمكنك من غلق موقع بعيه وايضا السماح باستخدام بعض البرامج او لا وكذلك الالعاب وبرامج الشات كل ذلك تحدده بوقت معين ان اردت مع تقارير بما تم على الجهاز اسناء غيابك والكثير فى التجكم فى كيف يستخدم الجهاز وانت غير موجود ، انصح كل الاسر باستخدام هذا البرنامج للحفاظ على مستقبل اولادهم
البرنامج كامل بالتفعيل
البرنامج كامل بالتفعيل
HT Child Control 8.4.7 Features
Website Filter
Child Control protects your child from adult-oriented web sites as well as from many others unwanted ones. Use our banned categories of websites or add your list of sites to easy and effective filter web content on your kids' computers. You can also set up the whitelist to block all websites except allowed.
Whether you want your children spend less time chatting or playing computer games or want to block access to some programs for security reasons, use Child Control to do it easily.
Instant Messenger Blocking
Instant Messengers bear lots of risks to children including probability of communicating with online predators or spreading personal information. With dozens of new and new messengers, sometimes it's difficult to be in the know. Therefore we provide a list of instant messengers and chats. Whether you want to block access to only one IM, or want to block all of them you can do so easily with Child Control.
Social Networks Blocking & Limiting
Almost every parent finds it necessary to limit access to social networking sites. These sites lead users to share information with others. They are also the most popular Web activity among teenagers. With Child Control you can ban or limit time on any social networks from the most known such as Facebook or Twitter to local chat rooms!
Time Controls
The time control feature provides numerous verities of how to lock out a computer and does not allow children to stay on it overtime. Maybe you want you children to go to bed on time or doing their homework instead of wasting time on the computer. Just set up Time Controls. It can be a schedule for each day of the week when children are allowed to use computer or maximum number of hours they can spend on the computer. Child Control also prevents any attempt to change the time on the computer.
Activity Monitoring
We understand how important for parents to know what exactly their children are doing on the computer. That's why HT Child Control provides fully reports of all computer activities. These reports include websites, applications, keystrokes, screenshots, system activities. So you will know what sites users visited, what apps they run. The reports also include logs of typed keystrokes and computer activity that allows you to be aware of how the child behave on the computer.
System Security
This feature can be especially useful if you have a tech-savvy child trying to lift the ban. See for yourself, using System Security you can disable access to task manager, control panel, add/delete program menu, Windows configuration and so on. So bypass your ban becomes an undecided task.
Individual User Settings
Need to have different levels of restrictions for your children? It is not a problem! Child Control provides you such ability. Every feature can be customized for each user. You can enable or disable each filter for any user on you computer. For example, you can set website filter and time control for your junior and only website filter for your elder child.
High Protection
It's really frustrating when parents are sure that their children are protected while their child already bypassed the program in 5 minutes. That is why we paid extra attention to the level of protection of our software. We provide multilevel security. It includes built-in password protection, protection from removal, stealth modes, task manager blocking, control panel and registry editor blocking, disabling time change and more, so unauthorized users cannot access or uninstall Child Control.
Easy to Install and Use
Our child protection software with all levers of security is extremely easy for parents to install and manage. We design the program in a way that less computer experienced parents will find it easy to understand. Please try a 15-day free trial to make sure that Child Control is the best chose for your family.